As of January 5, 2023 we have recently established Revoked Skateboarders Inc. as an official not-for-profit association in New South Wales, Australia with the aim of rolling out a regular skateboard program for the Braidwood community and eventually other rural areas.
Thus far Nate Pharaoh has spoken with the Canberra Skateboard Association (CSA) and the approach is to get a group of local youth mentors to attend the CSA Canberra-based workshops to learn about their program implementation. In order to inspire our mentors coordinate training in working with vulnerable people, first aid, and accidental counselling.
CSA has discussed in principle allowing Revoked and the young mentors to attend their workshops as a pilot exercise in late November and has discussed in principle supporting us in hosting a "learn to skate" workshop at the Braidwood skatepark in January 2024.
Revoked Skateboarders Inc. is working to secure appropriate insurance, council support, training, and funding.
All being well Revoked will be able to host a January date and continue our efforts to bring opportunities to the communities of youth and mid-youth ages 18-25.
Braidwood Youth Performing Arts Association (BYPAA) has recently had a request from the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) to support a school holiday program including a Braidwood skatepark activity.
To celebrate our accomplishments thus far the founders of Revoked USA (RMOB) Revoked & Co) had a great time skateboarding with Nate and his son Skelton, who flew from Australia to California to film for our 2023 skateboard video, visited many local skateboard parks, and attended Skatecon9. Follow @revokedmob and @revokedmobaustralia for clips and photos from the trip as well as other skateboarding-related content.
For additional information as well as how you can donate funds to our initiatives in Australia please reach out to [email protected] for details.